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Natural Relief for Eczema Babies: The Oat Bath Hack

Oat contains natural anti-inflammatory properties so giving your child oat baths can be a lovely soothing remedy for itchiness caused by irritations like eczema. However, there is a special hack for making it WAY easier all round...

Before I begin, given that this is an Allergen-Free website, it's important that I state that oats contain gluten which is an allergen. So if you know that your child is allergic to gluten, don't use this method. If you're unsure whether your child is allergic to gluten, see my info on the Elimination Diet for Babies and Toddlers.

Many children that have food intolerances or allergies also have eczema. If you're a parent or caregiver to an eczema child then I feel your heartbreak; it's awful seeing the red itchy rash all over their tiny little body and feeling so helpless with the endless creams and potential miracle cures. I am lucky enough to have identified the trigger to my child's eczema - read about our experience on my post: How I Cured My Baby's Eczema.

The Oat Bath Hack: Natural Relief for Itchy Eczema Babies

Now on to the hack... The internet generally advises using colloidal oats, or ground oats. You can do this yourself or you can buy it in packets at 20x the price. However, there is a humble item you'll have many of in your home that can make the soothing oat bath much easier to manage...

... an old sock!

Simply scoop oats into an old sock, stocking or a nut milk bag, and hold this over the bath tap while you fill up the bath. The oats swirl around in the bag, releasing all their goodness into the water without leaving the muck on the edge of the bath once the plug has been pulled. You can also give it a good squeeze to get all the oat juice out.

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