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Re-Introducing Allergens to Your Baby: A Guide for Your Elimination Diet Journey

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Embarking on an elimination diet is a powerful tool for identifying food intolerances and allergies (in you or your little one). However, once you've successfully eliminated potential triggers and have allowed your bodies to reset, the next step is just as crucial: re-introducing allergens in a controlled manner. This step-by-step guide will help you navigate the process safely and effectively.

Consult Your Healthcare Professional

Before beginning the re-introduction process, check in with a healthcare professional (hopefully you've been working with one throughout this journey). As well as having advice for the re-introduction process, they'll take into account your individual health history, and can also make sure that all your symptoms have disappeared (meaning it's definitely a food that has been your trigger).

Choose the Right Allergen to Re-Introduce

Begin with the allergen that you suspect might be causing your symptoms: Mother's instincts are pretty great. If you have no clues, begin with the allergen that you'd most like back in your diet, or that will open up the most meal options for you and your family.

Begin at the Bottom of the Ladder

A plate of chocolate chip cookies that are allergen free.
Cookies as a reintroduction food? If you insist...

Half a cookie with one egg in the whole batch is a good place to start when re-introducing eggs

The 'ladder' refers to foods that use increasingly greater amounts of an allergen as you 'move up' the ladder. Often the first foods include a small amount of the allergen in a cooked form, such as one egg in a whole batch of cookies (when re-introducing egg) and move through to scrambled eggs and finally to something like chocolate mousse, which contains raw egg. Check out Free to Feed's Reintroduction Ladders. Starting small (at the bottom of the ladder) reduces the likelihood of severe reactions and allows you to gauge your body's response. When you're testing your baby's reaction via your breastmilk and through solids, go through the ladder yourself before you start your baby at the bottom of the ladder.

Observe and Document

A woman's hands writing down her symptoms and reactions when reintroducing allergens into her diet while on the Elimination Diet.

After consuming a small portion of the allergen, pay close attention to your baby's reactions over the next 24-48 hours. Document any symptoms such as digestive discomfort, skin reactions, breathing difficulties, or changes in energy levels. This record will help you track patterns and inform your future dietary choices.

Wait for a Few Days

After observing your baby's response, return to your elimination diet for a few days to allow any potential delayed reactions to surface. This step is essential as some allergic reactions might not occur immediately.

Proceed or Pause

If your baby experiences no adverse reactions during the waiting period, you can proceed to the next rung of the ladder. However, if you notice any negative symptoms, stop consuming/serving the allergen immediately and consult your healthcare professional.

Gradual Increase

A baby in a highchair with her head buried in a bowl of yoghurt.

As tempting as it is to pig out after your abstinence, it's important to take it slowly when re-introducing allergens

Assuming there have been no adverse reactions, gradually increase the portion size of the allergen or move up the ladder over the course of a few days. This step helps determine your baby's tolerance level and guides your future dietary decisions.

Repeat the Process

Follow the same steps for each allergen you wish to reintroduce. Remember that reactions can vary from one allergen to another, so remain vigilant and patient throughout the process.

Long-Term Management

After successfully re-introducing allergens, you'll have a clearer understanding of your baby's tolerance levels. Use this information to create a sustainable long-term diet plan that accommodates your dietary needs and preferences while avoiding triggering allergens. Download my eBook: Allergen Free Recipes for Babies, Toddlers and Breastfeeding Mothers for safe recipes to enjoy while you and your baby are on your Elimination Diet journey.

allergen free sweet potato bites on a green baby plate with carrot sticks and rice.

Allergen Free Sweet Potato and Black Bean Bites - recipe available in Allergen Free Recipes for Babies, Toddlers and Breastfeeding Mothers

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